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Sunday, April 14, 2024

Bade Miyan Chote Miyan (2024) 1080p FREE DOWNLOAD

Bade Miyan Chote Miyan (2024)

(Scoll Down For Download)


An Indian convoy carrying a deadly weapon is ambushed and the soldiers guarding it are killed in the process. The perpetrator is a masked man who leaves a message for the Indian army telling them that he has stolen their weapon and they will have to race against time in order to prevent the destruction of India. Captain Misha meets an agent in Shanghai who warns her about the same before he gets killed by another masked attacker. Misha chases after him and gets into a fistfight, impaling him with a sharp weapon. However, the man's wounds heal instantly and he flees the scene. Misha reports to Colonel Azad and explains how the attacker's wounds healed magically. Azad tells her to keep it a secret and instructs her to enlist court martialed soldiers Firoz (Freddy) and Rakesh (Rocky) for the mission.

Misha meets the duo and while Rocky agrees to accompany her, Freddy refuses, feeling that his job got him nothing but disrespect in the end. Misha and Rocky arrive in London and meet an IT Specialist named Parminder aka Pam, who is assigned to assist them in the mission. Azad also arrives in London, but gets shot by the masked villain. Meanwhile, the team infiltrate a London Subway in order to retrieve the stolen package. Just as the team is cornered and nearly defeated, Freddy arrives and fights off the masked men. Pam unlocks the vault and it is revealed that the package is actually a woman named Priya, who was in a relationship with Freddy. Since the hard drives were at the risk of being hacked or falling into wrong hands, the codes to a highly advanced defense system named Karan Kavach were encrypted inside Priya's brain. However, the masked man and his army take Priya hostage and following a sustained chase, the group are cornered and the masked man reveals himself as Kabir, a former friend of the duo. He also reveals the nearly immortal masked men were none other than the duo's clones.

In a flashback, it is revealed that Kabir intended to help the Indian armed forces with the help of his latest invention: a cloning program where clones based on Freddy and Rocky's DNA could be programmed with orders by Azad and win wars without being killed. However, when he revealed his intentions to conquer the world using this invention, Azad reprimanded him in front of everyone and ordered him to shut down the program since it would go against ethics. Feeling betrayed, Kabir decided to switch sides and sell the invention to India's enemies. Priya alerted the team about the plan, and Freddy and Rocky were ordered to destroy the program and capture Kabir alive. However, they ended up killing him and were court-martialed for not following orders, after which Freddy broke up with Priya. However, Kabir reveals that he survived because it was actually his clone Eklavya, whom he loved like a son, that was killed. His death left him traumatized and vengeful.

Back to present, Kabir reveals that he has cloned Azad and has killed the real one. He kidnaps Priya and leaves Freddy and Rocky to die. The duo manage to kill Kabir's henchmen and return to the base, and reveal to the team that since India has never initiated any of the wars it has participated in, Kabir plans to turn Pakistan and China against India by deactivating the Karan Kavach and launching airstrikes against the two countries, eventually causing India's reputation to be tarnished globally. Freddy, Rocky, Misha and Pam infiltrate Kabir's base where the latter decrypts the password from Priya's brain. Freddy and Rocky fight off Kabir's army, and eventually face off against their own clones, who keep rejuvenating due to an internal power source. Pam suggests destroying them using a high amount of electricity, and the duo kills all the clones by luring them into a power grid, causing them to explode. Kabir launches the airstrikes before Freddy and Rocky fight him off and kill him by impaling him on a spear. Amid failed password attempts, Priya awakens and suggests using "Eklavya", the name of Kabir's own clone. It works and the Karan Kavach is reactivated, averting the airstrike and a potential war. The team reunites and leaves the base, while Kabir awakens and is revealed to be alive.

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